Salt River Canyon

In April of 2016, I did my first camping workshop and second with Photographer Shane McDermott. I was SO excited about this one as it is a place I’ve wanted to check out but didn’t really know how to access the area. Shane did. It’s one of the things I like best about going on these workshops…the access to beautiful places that on my own might be difficult to figure out. This one was on Apache land and needed permits for camping and photographing.

The workshop began on a Thursday and ended on Sunday. On the first night, Thursday, we stayed in a hotel in Globe, AZ. It was a good way for everyone to meet (five guys, Shane, and I). Thursday evening was a sunset shoot overlooking Horseshoe Bend on the Salt River. Is it me or does every river have a horseshoe bend?

We started out low then went high for the view.

Per usual, I found details to shoot. Just being near the river was enough for me.

Friday morning we headed out to set up camp.

Our morning shoot was Cebecue Creek and our late afternoon shoot took us to some spectacular overlooks.     

In April there were plenty of wildflowers.

Saturday morning four of us (not me) hiked up to Cibecue Falls. I have no images of that but have seen them and it’s beautiful.

Later in the day, we drove for quite a while to Canyon Springs Creek. It was beautiful and different as the walls were covered in white granite.

Sunday was pretty much a travel day. We woke up, had breakfast, broke camp, and each headed back to our homes.

If you are up for an adventure Arizona Highways PhotoScapes does a camping workshop on Hunt’s Mesa on the Navajo Reservation most years. And if this one ever gets offered again I’d sign up in a heartbeat.

Happy Shooting!


3 thoughts on “Salt River Canyon”

  1. I still haven’t been out there, need to remember it for future exploring. Many thanx!

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